For every family of the pious ought to be a church.
When the law is separated from Christ$$$ nothing is left but empty forms.
All other comforts are temporary and illusory unless we depend wholly upon Christ.
All have been blind to the light$$$ deaf to admonitions$$$ and hardened against the commandments.
There is$$$ indeed$$$ nothing that mans nature seeks more eagerly than to be flattered.
But Scripture praises everywhere his pure and unmixed mercy$$$ which does away with all merit.
All worship is unclean and wicked unless purified by the sprinkling of the blood of Christ.
Let us know$$$ therefore$$$ that when we have departed from Christ$$$ nothing remains for us but death.
No sooner are some false prophets put down than others pop up in all directions.
They who strive to build up a firm faith in Scripture through disputation are doing things backwards.