How much of this nonsense does he believe$$$ I wonder$$$ and how much does he say just because he knows the value of dividing in order to conquer and to rule?
She jumps on me for sharing pain with the living$$$ but she tries to share it with the dead.
Bloodchild is my pregnant man story.
Why can't I do what others have done -- ignore the obvious. Live a normal life. It's hard enough just to do that in this world.
She means the devil with people who say you're anything but what you are.
Positive obsession is about not being able to stop just because you're afraid and full of doubts. Positive obsession is dangerous. It's about not being able to stop at all.
I realized that I knew less about loneliness than I had thought - and much less than I would know when he went away.
Lacanian theory must be understood as a kind of slave morality.
It is a general popular error to imagine the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Among a people generally corrupt$$$ liberty cannot long exist.