Literature is the thought of thinking souls.
Hunger whets everything$$$ especially Suspicion and Indignation.
The history of the world is but a biography of great men.
There needs not a great soul to make a hero; there needs a god-created soul which will be true to its origin; that will be a great soul!
The crash of the whole solar and stellar systems could only kill you once.
If time is precious$$$ no book that will not improve by repeated readings deserves to be read at all.
May blessings be upon the head of Cadmus$$$ the Phoenicians$$$ or whoever it was that invented books.
The best effect of any book is that it excites the reader to self activity.
I'll accept that for now because there's a limit to how deeply I want to wade into your bullshit$$$' said Dimak.
I came because I've spent my whole life in the company of the brother that I hated. Now I want a chance to know the brother that I love$$$ before it's too late$$$ before we're not children anymore.