As the spirit wanes$$$ the form appears.
New Year's Eve always terrifies me.
I'm a genius but nobody knows it but me.
Reliance Insurance and Home Insurance were run into the ground$$$ for example$$$ their promises proved to be worthless.
We set no volume goals in our insurance business generally$$$ and certainly not in reinsurance$$$ as virtually any volume can be achieved if profitability standards are ignored.
Can you imagine any public company embracing a business model that would lead to the decline in revenue that we experienced from 1986 through 1999?
Whatever a monk keeps pursuing with his thinking and pondering$$$ that becomes the inclination of his awareness.
My voyage was never a well-conceived plan$$$ nor will it ever be. I have made it up as I went along.
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
Who told you that there is no true$$$ faithful$$$ eternal love in this world! May the liars vile tongue be cut out!