Nobody can be too careful about their habits of speech.
Wrongs have to be redressed by reason$$$ not by force.
It happened like this in the world. Old things lost their grip and dropped away; not always because they were bad things$$$ but sometimes because the new things were more bad$$$ and stronger.
He was neither clever nor sensitive$$$ but he was loyal--stubbornly sometimes$$$ and even annoyingly and stupidly so in later life.
Wars are never fought for one reason$$$ he said. "They are fought for dozens of reasons$$$ in a muddle."
If God is supposed to be merciful$$$' [Arthur] retorted$$$ 'I don't see why He shouldn't allow people to stumble into heaven$$$ just as well as climb there.'
But they woke him with words$$$ their cruel bright weapons.
A lot of brainless unicorns swaggering about and calling themselves educated just because they can push each other off a horse with a bit of a stick! It makes me tired.
The fate of this man or that man was less than a drop$$$ although it was a sparkling one$$$ in the great blue motion of the sunlit sea.
You run a grave risk$$$ my boy$$$ said the magician$$$ "of being turned into a piece of bread$$$ and toasted."