How often things must have been seen and dismissed as unimportant$$$ before the speculative eye and the moment of vision came! It was Gilbert$$$ Queen Elizabeth's court physician$$$ who first puzzled his brains with rubbed amber and bits of glass and silk and shellac$$$ and so began the quickening of the human mind to the existence of this universal presence. And even then the science of electricity remained a mere little group of curious facts for nearly two hundred years$$$ connected perhaps with magnetisma mere guess thatperhaps with the lightning.
Human relationships are vast as deserts: they demand all daring$$$ she seemed to suggest.
Absolutely unmixed attention is prayer.
I account this world a tedious theater$$$ for I do play a part in 't 'gainst my will.
Life is hard; It's even harder if you're stupid.
Brenda descended the great staircase step by step through alternations of dusk and rainbow.
My hobby is extreme Catholic behavior — BEFORE the Reformation.
My idea of an interesting person is someone who is quite proud of their seemingly abnormal life and turns their disadvantage into a career.
A bad war is fought with a good mind.
I conceive a knowledge of books is the basis upon which other knowledge is to be built.