You'll forget it when you're dead$$$ and so will I. When I'm dead$$$ I'm going to forget everything and I advise you to do the same.
All of the true things I am about to tell you are shameless lies.
She hated people who thought too much. At that moment$$$ she struck me as an appropriate representative for almost all mankind.
We are what we pretend to be$$$ so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
All that is very well$$$ answered Candide$$$ "but let us cultivate our garden."
Why should you think it so strange that in some countries there are monkeys which insinuates themselves into the good graces of the ladies; they are a fourth part human$$$ as I am a fourth part Spaniard.
I know this love$$$ that sovereign of hearts$$$ that soul of our souls; yet it never cost me more than a kiss and twenty kicks on the backside. How could this beautiful cause produce in you an effect so abominable.
We are at the end of all our troubles$$$ and at the beginning of happiness.
But there must be some pleasure in condemning everything--in perceiving faults where others think they see beauties. ''You mean there is pleasure in having no pleasure."
When a man is in love$$$ jealous$$$ and just whipped by the Inquisition$$$ he is no longer himself.