Mrs. Hammon told me that God made my hair red on purpose and I haven't card for him since.
It's lovely to be going home and know it's home. I love green gables already$$$ and I've never loved any place before. Oh$$$ Marilla$$$ I'm so happy.
Some people are naturally good$$$ you know$$$ and others are not. I'm one of the others.
When I don't like the name of a place or a person I always imagine a new one and always think of them so. " Anne of Green Gables
It's good advice$$$ but I expect it will be hard to follow; good advice is apt to be$$$ I think.
There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I am such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable$$$ but then it wouldn't be half so interesting.
The eastern sky above the firs was flushed faintly pink from the reflection of the west$$$ and Anne was wondering dreamily if the spirit of color looked like that…
I don’t want to talk as much$$$’ she said$$$ denting her chin thoughtfully with her forefinger. ‘It’s nicer to think dear$$$ pretty thoughts and keep them in one’s heart$$$ like treasures.
We _are_ rich$$$' said Anne staunchly. 'Why$$$ we have sixteen years to our credit$$$ and we are as happy as queens and we've all got imaginations$$$ more or less. Look at that sea$$$ girls - all silver and shallow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds.
Do you know what I think Mayflowers are$$$ Marilla? I think they must be the souls of the flowers that died last summer$$$ and this is their heaven.