By admin, 25 November, 2023

Oh$$$ Mr. Cuthbert$$$" she whispered$$$ that place we came through--that white place--what was it?""Well now$$$ you must mean the Avenue$$$" said Matthew after a few moments' profound reflection. "It is a kind of pretty place.""Pretty? Oh$$$ PRETTY doesn't seem the right word to use. Nor beautiful$$$ either. They don't go far enough. Oh$$$ it was wonderful--wonderful. It's the first thing I ever saw that couldn't be improved upon by imagination.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

When I left Queen's my future seemed to stretch out before me like a straight road. I thought I could see along it for many a milestone. Now there is a bend in it. I don't know what lies around the bend$$$ but I am going to believe that the best does. It has a fascination of its own$$$ that bend$$$ Marilla. I wonder how the road beyond it goes - what there is of green glory and soft$$$ checkered light and shadows - what new landscapes - what new beauties - what curves and hills and valleys farther on.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

Why must people kneel down to pray? If I really wanted to pray I’ll tell you what I'd do. I'd go out into a great big field all alone or in the deep$$$ deep woods and I'd look up into the sky—up—up—up—into that lovely blue sky that looks as if there was no end to its blueness. And then I'd just feel a prayer.