By admin, 25 November, 2023

I've put out a lot of little roots these two years$$$" Anne told the moon$$$ "and when I'm pulled up they're going to hurt a great deal. But it's best to go$$$ I think$$$ and$$$ as Marilla says$$$ there's no good reason why I shouldn't. I must get out all my ambitions and dust them.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

I'm so glad you're here$$$ Anne$$$' said Miss Lavendar$$$ nibbling at her candy. 'If you weren't I should be blue…very blue…almost navy blue. Dreams and make-believes are all very well in the daytime and the sunshine$$$ but when dark and storm come they fail to satisfy. One wants real things then. But you don't know this…seventeen never knows it. At seventeen dreams do satisfy because you think the realities are waiting for you further on.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

I think it's something like Mr. Peter Sloane and the octogenarians. The other evening Mrs. Sloane was reading a newspaper ans she said to Mr. Sloane 'I see here that another octogenarian has just died. What is an Octogenarian$$$ Peter?' And Mr. Sloane said he didn't know$$$ but they must be very sickly creatures$$$ for you never heard tell of them but they were dying.