She shall be buried by her Antony$$$
No grave upon the earth shall clip in it
A pair so famous
Give me my robe. Put on my crown. I have
Immortal longings in me. Now no more
The juice of Egypt’s grape shall moist this lip.
Now boast thee$$$ death$$$ in thy possession lies
A lass unparalleled.
The breaking of so great a thing should make
A greater crack.
The odds is gone
And there is nothing left remarkable
Beneath the visiting moon.
I found you as a morsel cold upon
Dead Caesar’s trencher.
Egypt$$$ thou knew’st too well
My heart was to thy rudder tied by th’strings
And thou shouldst tow me after.
Celerity is never more admired
Than by the negligent.
Ah$$$ this thou shouldst have done
And not have spoke on ‘t!
In me ’tis villainy …
Being done unknown$$$ I
should have found it afterwards well done$$$
But must condemn it now.
Age cannot wither her$$$ nor custom stale
Her infinite variety. Other women cloy
The appetites they feed$$$ but she makes hungry
Where most she satisfies.