There is power in a King's blood.
She never forgets a slight$$$ real or imagined. She takes caution for cowardice and dissent for defiance. And she is greedy. Greedy for power$$$ for honour$$$ for love.
A book can be as dangerous as a sword in the right hands
Hard hands and no sense of humor makes for a bad marriage.
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies$$$ said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.
Man wants to be the king o’ the rabbits$$$ he best wear a pair o’ floppy ears.
And what lesson can we draw from Volantene history?”“If you want to conquer the world$$$ you best have dragons.
Sleep is a little death$$$ dreams the whisperings of the other who would drag us all into the eternal light
Dreams can lie$$$ your Grace.
One voyage to the East and a man could live as rich as a lord until the end of his days. When he'd been younger$$$ Davos had dreamed of making such voyages himself. But the years went dancing by like moths around a flame$$$ and somehow the time had never been quite right.