The gods are blind. And men see only what they wish.
Beware men with cold hearts and blue lips.
The gods are blind and men see only what they wish.
The gods are blind and men see only wha they wish.
These woods are as empty as you think$$$ he had said. You cannot know what the light might summon from the darkness.
But words in a book were one thing. The true test came in battle.
Words are not swords.
Words are wind$$$ and the wind from Manderly's mouth means no more than the wind escaping his bottom.
Free folk don't follow names$$$ or little cloth animals sewn on a tunic$$$" the King-Beyond-the-Wall had told him. "They won't dance for coins$$$ they don't care how your style yourself or what that chain of office means or who your grandsire was. They follow strength. They follow the man.
There was an agelessness about him$$$ a stillness; on Roose Bolton's face$$$ rage and joy looked much the same.