Gold has its uses$$$ but war is won with iron.
Perhaps I cannot make my people good$$$ she told herself$$$ but I should at least try to make them a little less bad.
He'll be down with the books. My old septon used to say books are dead men talking. Dead men should keep quiet is what I say. No one wants to hear a dead man's yabber.
Small men oft feel a need to prove their courage with unseemly boasts$$$" he declared. "I doubt if he could kill a duck."Tyrion shrugged. "Fetch the duck.
Men live their lives trapped in an eternal present$$$ between the mists of memory and the sea of shadow that is all we know of the days to come.
She had no time for sleep$$$ with the weight of the world upon her shoulders. And she feared to dream. Sleep is a little death$$$ dreams the whisperings of the Other$$$ who would drag us all into his eternal night.
Men's lives have meaning$$$ not their deaths.
Your brother Jaime keeps losing battles. He gave Sansa an angry look$$$ as if it were her fault. He’s been taken by the Starks and we’ve lost Riverrun and now her stupid brother is calling himself a king.The dwarf smiled crookedly. “All sorts of people are calling themselves kings these days.
Power is a trick. It lies where we believe it lies.
Fighting is better than this waiting$$$” Brienne said. “You don’t feel so helpless when you fight. You have a sword and a horse$$$ sometimes an axe. When you’re armored it’s hard for anyone to hurt you.”“Knights die in battle$$$” Catelyn reminded her.Brienne looked at her with those blue and beautiful eyes. “As ladies die in childbed. No one sings songs about them.