The moon was a crescent$$$ thin and sharp as the blade of a knife.
Never drink with Dornishmen when the moon is full.
When your womb quickens again$$$ and you bear a living child$$$ then he will return$$$ and not before.
He has a sellsword's conscience$$$ she realized then. That is to say none at all.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend$$$ men said$$$ but the enemy of my friend is my enemy.
These are the winter's people$$$ he reminded himself. Tears froze upon your cheeks where they come from.
Sellswords put gold before honor.
Without honor$$$ a knight is no more than a common killer. It is better to die with honor than to live without it.
Dying is easy$$$ but victory comes hard.
Silver’s sweet and gold’s our mother$$$ but once you’re dead they’re worth less than that last shit you take as you lie dying.