To achieve a goal$$$ a dream$$$ a wish$$$ you must plan it out for success!
What a pessimist you are! exclaimed Candide. "That is because I know what life is$$$" said Martin.
Let us work without reasoning$$$ said Martin; "It is the only way to make life endurable."
Madness is to think of too many things in succession too fast$$$ or of one thing too exclusively.
We are not the vedantists$$$ pauranics or tantrics. we are the 'don't touchists'. our religion is 'don't touch me$$$ I am holy'.
Freedom is the first condition of growth. What you do not make free$$$ will never grow.
Where one sees another$$$ one hears another so long as there are two$$$ there must be fear$$$ and fear is the mother of all [misery].
Who can work without any attachment? That is the real question.
Don't give any chance for others to steal your smile. Because it's the most valuable asset of anything in your life!
For all of us in this world life is a continuous fight.