Where the surf meets the shore$$$ lots of neat things can happen there.
Half-assed programming was a time-filler that$$$ like knitting$$$ must date to the beginning of the human experience.
The hours came to minutes$$$ the minutes to seconds. And now each second was as long as all the time before.
Here we begin frank speculation. And since we are speculating$$$ we'll use those powerful pseudo-laws$$$ the Principles of Mediocrity and Minimal Assumption.
Little fish risking everything for a piece of godhood... And not knowing heaven from hell$$$ even when they find it.
But it seems to me that once you begin a gesture$$$ it's fatal not to go through with it.
It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.
Wine is a dangerous thing$$$ and should not be made the exponent of truth$$$ let the truth be good as it may; but it has the merit of forcing a man to show his true colors.
When a man gets into his head an idea that the public voice calls for him$$$ it is astonishing how great becomes his trust in the wisdom of the public.
If everyone fought for their own convictions$$$ there would be no war.