If something's going to happen for you$$$ it will$$$ you can't make it happen. And it never does happen until you're past the point where you care whether it happens or not.
I think it would be very glamorous to be reincarnated as a great big ring on Liz Taylor's finger.
There are beautiful sounds in rock. Very lazy$$$ dreamlike noises. You can forget about the lyrics in most songs. Just dig the noise$$$ and you've got your sound...We're musical primitives.
I had a lot of dates$$$ but I decided to stay home and dye my eyebrows.
I'm the type who'd be happy not going anywhere as long as I was sure I knew exactly what was happening at the places I wasn't going to. I'm the type who'd like to sit home and watch every party that I'm invited to on a monitor in my bedroom.
If everyone isn't beautiful$$$ then no one is.
The nicer I am$$$ the more people think I'm lying.
I like to be the right thing in the wrong place and the wrong thing in the right place. Being the right thing in the wrong place and the wrong thing in the right place is worth it because something interesting always happens.
Art is what you can get away with.
Abstruse dullness is actually a much more effective shield than is secrecy. For the great disadvantage of secrecy is that its interesting.