Life is whatever we conceive it to be.
Fathers. Mothers. With all their caring and attention. They will f--- you up$$$ every time.
Kant's style is so heavy that after his pure reason$$$ the reader longs for unreasonableness.
I have never seen a greater monster or miracle than myself.
Command and obedience are but unfortunate necessities of human life: society in equality is its normal state.
Governments must be made for human beings as they are$$$ or as they are capable of speedily becoming.
She's so in love with me$$$ she doesn't know anything. That's why she's in love with me.
I felt myself on the edge of the world; peering over the rim into a fathomless chaos of eternal night.
Tattoos...are the stories in your heart$$$ written on your skin.
People read books to escape the uncertainties of life.