The increasing seriousness of things$$$ then that's the great opportunity of jokes.
If you really have talent$$$ you know$$$ you'll go on writing - whatever people say to you.
That is the secret of happiness and virtue -- liking what you've got to do.
Divide et impera must be the motto of every nation that either hates or fears us.
Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of man will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice without constraint.
Economists are generally negligent of their heroes.
If I could remember the names of all these particles$$$ I'd be a botanist.
I wish that for just one time you could I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes... Then you'd know what a drag it is to see you.
Because of your smile$$$ you make life more beautiful.
One more piece of evidence that assigned reading makes nothing happen.