Humans are not proud of their ancestors$$$ and rarely invite them round to dinner.
Words used carelessly$$$ as if they did not matter in any serious way$$$ often allowed otherwise well-guarded truths to seep through.
The sun burnt every day. It burnt time.
A man on foot$$$ on horseback or on a bicycle will see more$$$ feel more$$$ enjoy more in one mile than the motorized tourists can in a hundred miles.
Stupid men are the only ones worth knowing after all.
No one can take the place of a friend$$$ no one.
Love flowers best in openness and freedom.
For a moment$$$ nothing happened. Then$$$ after a second or so$$$ nothing continued to happen.
Every experience is a form of exploration.
Let us tenderly and kindly cherish therefore$$$ the means of knowledge. Let us dare to read$$$ think$$$ speak$$$ and write .