Maybe love will be like driving. When people move$$$ when they travel$$$ they look where they've come from$$$ not where theyre going.
The real trouble with liars ... was that there could never be any guarantee against their occasionally telling the truth.
Nothing short of physical handicap has ever made anybody turn over a new leaf.
Education is one thing and instruction$$$ however worthy$$$ necessary and incidentally or monetarily educative$$$ another.
What advice would I give the average homeowner to protect himself against burglars? Well$$$ the first thing is to keep a light on in the house when you go out. It must be at least a sixty-watt bulb; anything less and the burglar will ransack the house$$$ out of contempt for the wattage.
Raining. Oh$$$ brother$$$ a scratch on the fender. Damn rabbi on his unicycle. Wait a minute$$$ where are my car keys? Could have sworn I left them in this pocket. No$$$ just some loose change and ticket stubs from the all-black version of Elaine Stritch's one-woman show. Did I check my desk? Better go back inside. What's in the top drawer here? Hmm. Envelopes$$$ my paper clips$$$ a loaded revolver in case the tenant in 2A begins yodelling again.
In books lies the soul of the whole past time.
I was in analysis. I was suicidal. As a matter of fact$$$ I would have killed myself$$$ but I was in analysis with a strict Freudian and if you kill yourself they make you pay for the sessions you miss.
My beautiful proof lies all in ruins.
Honey$$$ you're the one who stopped sleeping with me$$$ OK? It'll be a year come April 20th. I remember the date exactly$$$ because it was Hitler's birthday