By admin, 25 November, 2023

What advice would I give the average homeowner to protect himself against burglars? Well$$$ the first thing is to keep a light on in the house when you go out. It must be at least a sixty-watt bulb; anything less and the burglar will ransack the house$$$ out of contempt for the wattage.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

Raining. Oh$$$ brother$$$ a scratch on the fender. Damn rabbi on his unicycle. Wait a minute$$$ where are my car keys? Could have sworn I left them in this pocket. No$$$ just some loose change and ticket stubs from the all-black version of Elaine Stritch's one-woman show. Did I check my desk? Better go back inside. What's in the top drawer here? Hmm. Envelopes$$$ my paper clips$$$ a loaded revolver in case the tenant in 2A begins yodelling again.