What mad Nijinsky wrote<br>About Diaghilev<br>Is true of the normal heart;<br>For the error bred in the bone<br>Of each woman and each man<br>Craves what it cannot have$$$ Not universal love<br>But to be loved alone.
Thou hast made us for thyself$$$ O Lord$$$ and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.
Disintegration---I'm taking it in stride.
Every poet has his dream reader: mine keeps a look out for curious prosodic fauna like bacchics and choriambs.
Slowly we are learning$$$<br>We at least know this much$$$<br>That we have to unlearn<br>Much that we were taught$$$<br>And are growing chary<br>Of emphatic dogmas;<br>Love like Matter is much<br>Odder than we thought.
Lovers have lived so long with giants and elves$$$ they won't believe again in their own size.
Shall memory restore<br>The steps and the shore$$$<br>The face and the meeting place;
Be groovy or leave$$$ man
Don't follow leaders.
Every woman should marry ... and no man.