To confess$$$ then$$$ is to praise and glorify God; it is an exercise in self-knowledge and true humility in the atmosphere of grace and reconciliation.
No doubt$$$ then$$$ that a free curiosity has more force in our learning these things$$$ than a frightful enforcement.
The heart's gone out of it$$$ why keep it up.
Let such a person rejoice even to ask the question$$$ "What does this mean?" Yes$$$ let him rejoice in that$$$ and choose to find by not finding rather than by finding fail to find you.
No longer was he the man who had joined the crowd; he was now one of the crowd he had joined$$$ and a genuine companion of those who had led him there.
A sense of Deity is inscribed on every heart. Nay$$$ even idolatry is ample evidence of this fact.
I've always felt that rock & roll was very$$$ very wholesome.
Every day my conscience makes confession relying on the hope of Your mercy as more to be trusted than its own innocence.
When I come to be united to thee with all my being$$$ then there will be no more pain and toil for me$$$ and my life shall be a real life$$$ being wholly filled by thee.
We are$$$ for all our polish$$$ of little<br>stature$$$ and$$$ as human lives$$$<br>compared with authentic martyrs$$$<br>of no account.