The miserable have no other medicine<br/>
But only hope:
I have hope to live$$$ and am prepared to die.
O$$$ it is excellent
To have a giant's strenght$$$ but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant.
What's his offense?<br/>
Groping for trout in a peculiar river.
Well$$$ heaven forgive him! and forgive us all!<br/>
Some rise by sin$$$ and some by virtue fall:<br/>
Some run from brakes of ice$$$ and answer none:<br/>
And some condemned for a fault alone.
It is excellent to have a giant's strength. But it is tyrannous to use it like a giant.
But man$$$ proud man$$$<br/>
Dress'd in a little brief authority$$$<br/>
Most ignorant of what he's most assur'd—<br/>
His glassy essence—like an angry ape<br/>
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven<br/>
As makes the angels weep; who$$$ with our spleens$$$<br/>
Would all themselves laugh mortal.
Life... is a paradise to what we fear of death.
The tempter or the tempted$$$ who sins most?
Go to your bosom; Knock there$$$ and ask your heart what it doth know.
Our doubts are traitors$$$<br/>
and make us lose the good we oft might win$$$<br/>
by fearing to attempt.