Life is better life past fearing death$$$<br/>
Than that which lives to fear.
The miserable have no other medicine<br/>
But only hope:
I've hope to live$$$ and am prepared to die.
From too much liberty$$$ my Lucio$$$ liberty<br/>
As surfeit is the father of much fast$$$<br/>
So every scope of the immoderate use<br/>
Turns to restraint. Our natures do pursue$$$ -<br/>
Like rats that ravin down their proper bane$$$ -<br/>
A thirsty evil; and when we drink we die.
Music oft hath such a charm<br/>
To make bad good$$$ and good provoke to harm.
Tis one thing to be tempted$$$ another thing to fall.
I'll be supposed upon a book$$$ his face is the worst thing about him.
To sue to live$$$ I find I seek to die;<br/>
And$$$ seeking death$$$ find life.
Our doubts are traitors<br/>
And make us lose the good we oft might win
Thy best of rest is sleep$$$<br/>
And that thou oft provok'st; yet grossly fear'st<br/>
Thy death$$$ which is no more.
Thou hast nor youth nor age<br/>
But as it were an after dinner sleep<br/>
Dreaming of both.