He that hath a beard is more than a youth$$$ and he that hath no beard is less than a man: and he that is more than a youth is not for me$$$ and he that is less than a man$$$ I am not for him.
In time the savage bull doth bear the yoke.
There's a skirmish of wit between them.
O$$$ come$$$ be buried
A second time within these arms.
That she would make a puritan of the devil if he should cheapen a kiss of her
The diamonds of a most praised water
Doth appear$$$ to make the world twice rich.
Opinion's but a fool that makes us scan
The outward habit for the inward man.
Why$$$ as men do a-land; the great ones eat up the little ones.
Who makes the fairest show means most deceit.
My Dionzya$$$ shall we rest us here
And by relating tales of others’ griefs
See if ‘twill teach us to forget our own?