My hair is holy. I grow it long for the God.
Remember this! No amount of Bacchic revelling can corrupt an honest woman.
O Dionysus$$$ we feel you near$$$<br/>
stirring like molten lava<br/>
under the ravaged earth$$$<br/>
flowing from the wounds of your trees<br/>
in tears of sap$$$<br/>
screaming with the rage<br/>
of your hunted beasts.
Prepare yourselves for the roaring voice of the God of Joy!
What we understand is that society must allow room for the irrational$$$ in healthy balance with the rational.
Swoony type$$$ long hair$$$ bedroom eyes$$$ cheeks like wine.
He who believes needs no explanation.
Do not mistake the rule of force for true power. Men are not shaped by force.
Cleverness is not wisdom.
Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.