By admin, 25 November, 2023

I made no answer$$$ nor did she seem to expect any$$$ for she went on at once—"Nay$$$ bide here and let us have done with all sad and solemn thoughts. We three will sup together as of old$$$ and for awhile forget our fears and cares$$$ and be happy as children who know not sin and death$$$ or that change which is death indeed. Oros$$$ await my lord without. Papave$$$ I will call thee later to disrobe me. Till then let none disturb us.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

She swore she loved and her love fulfilled itself in death and many a mysterious way. Yet it was hard to believe that this passion of hers was more than a spoken part$$$ for how can the star seek the moth although the moth may seek the star? Though the man may worship the goddess$$$ for all her smiles divine$$$ how can the goddess love the man?

By admin, 25 November, 2023

Why should it vex me to learn that there is one honest man in this court who will have naught to do with murder? Nay$$$ I honour you for those words. Know also that no such foul thoughts have come near to me. Yet$$$ Leo Vincey$$$ that which is written—is written.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

Fragrant was Ayesha's breath as roses$$$ the odour of roses clung to her lovely hair; her sweet body gleamed like some white sea-pearl; a faint but palpable radiance crowned her head; no sculptor ever fashioned such a marvel as the arm with which she held her veil about her; no stars in heaven ever shone more purely bright than did her calm$$$ entranced eyes.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

Thus it would seem that Ayesha$$$ great tormented soul$$$ thinking to win life and love eternal and most glorious$$$ was in truth but another blind Pandora. From her stolen casket of beauty and super-human power had leapt into her bosom$$$ there to dwell unceasingly$$$ a hundred torturing demons$$$ of whose wings mere mortal kind do but feel the far-off$$$ icy shadowing.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

Who and what was Ayesha$$$ nay$$$ what is Ayesha? An incarnate essence$$$ a materialised spirit of Nature the unforeseeing$$$ the lovely$$$ the cruel and the immortal; ensouled alone$$$ redeemable only by Humanity and its piteous sacrifice? Say you! I have done with speculations who depart to solve these mysteries.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

Leo Vincey$$$ know now the truth; that all things are illusions$$$ even that there exists no future and no past$$$ that what has been and what shall be already is eternally. Know that I$$$ Ayesha$$$ am but a magic wraith$$$ foul when thou seest me foul$$$ fair when thou seest me fair; a spirit-bubble reflecting a thousand lights in the sunshine of thy smile$$$ grey as dust and gone in the shadow of thy frown. Think of the throned Queen before whom the shadowy Powers bowed and worship$$$ for that is I.