Ten thousand men possess ten thousand hopes. A few bear fruit in happiness; the others go awry. But he who garners day by day the good life$$$ he is happiest.
Receive the god into your kingdom pour libations$$$ cover your head with ivy$$$ join the dance!
This town must learn$$$
even against its will$$$ how much it costs<br/>
to scorn a God's mysteries and to be purged.<br/>
So shall I vindicate my virgin mother<br/>
and reveal myself to mortals as a God$$$<br/>
the son of God.<br/>
Sense is nonsense to a fool.
O Dionysus$$$ Son of God$$$<br/>
do you see our sufferings?<br/>
Do you see your faithful<br/>
in helpless agony before the oppressor?<br/>
O Lord$$$ come down from Olympus$$$<br/>
shake your golden thyrsus<br/>
and stifle the murderer's insolent fury.
What else is Wisdom? What of man's endeavour<br/>
Or God's high grace$$$ so lovely and so great?<br/>
To stand from fear set free$$$ to breathe and wait;<br/>
To hold a hand uplifted over Hate;<br/>
And shall not Loveliness be loved for ever?
Isn’t it delightful to forget how old we are?
Those who look for filth$$$ can find it at the height of noon.
You don't know what your life is$$$ nor what you're doing$$$ nor who you are.
The God knows when to smile.