By admin, 25 November, 2023

I read somewhere once that souls were like flowers$$$' said Priscilla.'Then your soul is a golden narcissus$$$' said Anne$$$ 'and Diana's is like a red$$$ red rose. Jane's is an apple blossom$$$ pink and wholesome and sweet.''And our own is a white violet$$$ with purple streaks in its heart$$$' finished Priscilla.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

Mrs Allan says that whenever we think of anything that is a trial to use we should also think of something nice that we can set over against it. If you are slightly too plump$$$ you've got the dearest dimples; and if I have a freckled nose the shape of it is all right.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

If a kiss could be seen I think it would look like a violet$$$' said Priscilla.Anne glowed.'I'm so glad you spoke that thought$$$ Priscilla$$$ instead of just thinking it and keeping it to yourself. This world would be a much more interesting place…although it is very interesting$$$ anyhow…if people spoke out their real thoughts.