By admin, 25 November, 2023

I should like to ask you: -- Does your childhood seem far off? Do the days when you sat at your mother's knee$$$ seem days of very long ago?" Responding to his softened manner$$$ Mr. Lorry answered: "Twenty years back$$$ yes; at this time of my life$$$ no. For$$$ as I draw closer and closer to the end$$$ I travel in the circle$$$ nearer and nearer to the beginning. It seems to be one of the kind smoothings and preparings of the way.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

His message perplexed his mind to that degree that he was fain$$$ several times$$$ to take off his hat to scratch his head. Except on the crown$$$ which was raggedly bald$$$ he had stiff$$$ black hair$$$ standing jaggedly all over it$$$ and growing down hill almost to his broad$$$ blunt nose. It was so like Smith's work$$$ so much more like the top of a strongly spiked wall than a head of hair$$$ that the best of players at leap-frog might have declined him$$$ as the most dangerous man in the world to go over.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

Waste forces within him$$$ and a desert all around$$$ this man stood still on his way across a silent terrace$$$ and saw for a moment$$$ lying in the wilderness before him$$$ a mirage of honourable ambition$$$ self-denial$$$ and perseverance. In the fair city of this vision$$$ there were airy galleries from which the loves and graces looked upon him$$$ gardens in which the fruits of life hung ripening$$$ waters of Hope that sparkled in his sight. A moment and it was gone.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

For you$$$ and for any dear to you$$$ I would do anything. I would embrace any sacrifice for you and for those dear to you. And when you see your own bright beauty springing up anew at your feet$$$ think now and then that there is a man who would give his life$$$ to keep a life you love beside you.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

his face$$$ though lined$$$ bore few traces of anxiety. But$$$ perhaps the confidential bachelor clerks in Tellson's Bank were principally occupied with the cares of other people; and perhaps second-hand cares$$$ like second-hand clothes$$$ come easily off and on.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

It may be the character of his mind$$$ to be always in singular need of occupation. That may be$$$ in part$$$ natural to it; in part$$$ the result of affliction. The less it was occupied with healthy things$$$ the more it would be in danger of turning in the unhealthy direction. He may have observed himself$$$ and made the discovery.