<p>Peace is an armistice in a war that is continuously going on.</p>
<p>Being a bird ain't all about flying and shitting from high places.</p>
<p>What sort of an age is this where a man becomes one's enemy only when his back is turned?</p>
<p>This long disease$$$ my life.</p>
<p>To err is human$$$ to forgive$$$ divine.</p>
<p>I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore$$$ there be any kindness I can show$$$ or any good thing I can do to any fellow being$$$ let me do it now$$$ and not defer or neglect it$$$ as I shall not pass this way again.</p>
<p>Whoever becomes a lamb will find a wolf to eat him.</p>
<p>That old saying$$$ about how you always kill the thing you love$$$ well$$$ it works both ways. And it does work both ways.</p>
<p>Dwelling on your problems doesnt fix them; it just makes you an expert at them.</p>
<p>Memories remind us that every moment of our lives$$$ even the most tragic$$$ have contributed to our strength. We've gotten through. We're still here.</p>