<p>If I now recognize evil in other people$$$ is it not because I have become evil too?</p>
<p>Depression is a disorder of mood$$$ so mysteriously painful and elusive in the way it becomes known to the self -- to the mediating intellect-- as to verge close to being beyond description. It thus remains nearly incomprehensible to those who have not experienced it in its extreme mode.</p>
<p>It's no trick loving somebody at their best. Love is loving them at their worst.</p>
<p>Now for the first time you were about to see people who were not your enemies. Now for the first time you were about to see others who were alive$$$ who were traveling your road$$$ and whom you could join to yourself with the joyous word "we."</p>
<p>I dedicate this to all those who did not live to tell it. And may they please forgive me for not having seen it all nor remembered it all$$$ for not having divined all of it.</p>
<p>Justice is conscience$$$ not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity. Those who clearly recognize the voice of their own conscience usually recognize also the voice of justice.</p>
<p>Bless you prison$$$ bless you for being in my life. For there$$$ lying upon the rotting prison straw$$$ I came to realize that the object of life is not prosperity as we are made to believe$$$ but the maturity of the human soul.</p>
<p>Don't cry because it's over$$$ smile because it happened.</p>
<p>Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things$$$ man will not himself find peace.</p>
<p>Whatever torch we kindle$$$ and whatever space it may illuminate$$$ our horizon will always remain encircled by the depth of night.</p>