For now he knew what Shalimar knew: If you surrendered to the air$$$ you could ride it.
Now he knew why he loved her so. Without ever leaving the ground$$$ she could fly. 'There must be another one like you$$$' he whispered to her. 'There's got to be at least one more woman like you.'
You been gone too long$$$ Sula. Not too long$$$ but maybe too far.
You got two feet$$$ Sethe$$$ not four. he said$$$ and right then a forest sprang up between them; tactless and quiet.
I had only one desire: to dismember it. To see of what it was made$$$ to discover the dearness$$$ to find the beauty$$$ the desirability that had escaped me$$$ but apparently only me.
You looked at me then like you knew me$$$ and I thought it really was Eden$$$ and I couldn't take your eyes in because I was loving the hoof marks on your cheeks.
He licked his lips. Well$$$ if you want my opinion-I dont$$$ She said. I have my own.
She learned the intricacy of loneliness: the horror of color$$$ the roar of soundlessness and the menace of familiar objects lying still.
The hopelessness that comes from knowing too little and feeling too much (so brittle$$$ so dry he is in danger of the reverse: feeling nothing and knowing everything)
Me and you$$$ we got more yesterday than anybody. We need some kind of tomorrow.