Marriages performed within$$$' read the sign next to the coffeehouse door$$$ underneath in small letters a verse that combined warning with a sales pitch: 'When lawless lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin.'
What you want to be when you grow up? Thomas turned the knob with his left hand and opened the door. A man$$$ he said and left.
There is honey in this land sweeter than any I know of$$$ and I have cut cane in places where the dirt itself tasted like sugar$$$ so that's saying a heap.
Our debates$$$ for the most part$$$ are examples unworthy of a playground: name-calling$$$ verbal slaps$$$ gossip$$$ giggles$$$ all while the swings and slides of governance remain empty.
She wants you here as much as I do. For her it is to save her life. For me it is to have one.
1. What have you learned that is true (and how do you know)? 2. What problem do you have?
It was lovely. Not to be stared at$$$ not seen$$$ but being pulled into view by the interested$$$ uncritical eyes of the other.
Her heavy knives of defense against misery$$$ regret$$$ gall and hurt$$$ she placed one by one on a bank where dear water rushed on below.
Carefully they replaced the soil and covered the entire grave with uprooted grass. Neither one had spoken a word.
Nevertheless$$$ remembering how the curate described what existed before creation$$$ Scully saw dark matter out there$$$ thick$$$ unknowable$$$ aching to be made into a world.