We don't know where we're going$$$ but isn't it fun to go?
Never be silent with persons you love and distrust. Silence betrays.
It's just that I suffer very eloquently.
Integrity is a bugger$$$ it really is. Lying can get you into difficulties$$$ but to really wind up in the crappers try telling nothing but the truth.
Trees're always a relief$$$ after people.
Little girls are like old cats. If they don't like you$$$ nothing on Earth will make them pretend to.
If war's first victim is truth$$$ its second is clerical efficiency.
I never saw a sky so green$$$ never so blue.
The richness I achieve comes from nature$$$ the source of my inspiration.
Don't play everything (or every time); let some things go by. What you don't play can be more important than what you do.