A jolly young fellow from Yuma<br/>Told an elephant joke to a puma;<br/>now his skeleton lies<br/>beneath hot western skies-<br/>the puma had no sense of huma.
Though it was a comfort on occasion to play with the idea that outside this place a whole life waited for me$$$ all the relationships that bind a man to the earth and give him a feeling of having a place.
Attributed the decay of Hindu society in Trinidad to the rise of the timorous$$$ weak$$$ non-beating class of husband.
[In]the too solid three-dimensional city$$$ I could never feel myself as anything but spectral$$$ disintegrating$$$ pointless$$$ fluid.
It was in that garage that Alec worked$$$ no longer wearing red bodices or peeing blue$$$ but doing mysterious greasy things.
It was a light which gave solidity to everything and drew colour out from the heart of objects.
Paradise seemed further away than India$$$ but Hell had become a bit closer
Some lesser husbands built a latrine on the hillside.
It is easy for him and me to decipher now a past destiny; but a destiny in the making is$$$ believe me$$$ not one of those honest mystery stories where all you have to do is keep an eye on the clues.
And I want to rise up$$$ throw my arms open for a vast embrace$$$ address an ample$$$ luminous discourse to the invisible crowds. I would start like this: "O rainbow-colored gods. . ."