Silver chains come in all shapes and sizes.
Call no man happy$$$ said Shadow$$$ "until he is dead."
I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things that lunatics imagine when awake.
Poetry and art and knowledge are sacred and pure.
Most of us happily disavow fairies$$$ astrology and the Flying Spaghetti Monster$$$ without first immersing ourselves in books of Pastafarian theology etc.
Should we then not expect lions to refrain from killing antelopes$$$ for the good of the mammals?
A herp is simply the kind of animal studied by a herpetologist$$$ and that is a pretty lame way to define an animal. The only other name that comes close is the biblical 'creeping thing'.
In the world of the extended phenotype$$$ ask not how an animal's behaviour benefits its genes; ask instead whose genes it is benefiting.
As J. B. S. Haldane said when asked what evidence might contradict evolution$$$ 'Fossil rabbits in the Precambrian.'
Perhaps$$$ then$$$ the words male and female have no general meaning.