But I can endure a surprising amount of midnight torment without being absent from class sharp at nine the next day. I suppose that marks me as something not quite up to the Byronic standard.
Anna$$$ who has always been devout$$$ knows well that Despair is a mortal sin$$$ and now she knows that it is a luxury$$$ as well.
I shall be as brief as I can$$$ for it is not by piling up detail that I hope to achieve my picture$$$ but by putting the emphasis where I think it belongs.
What chance has a Saint Francis$$$ if his Assisi is a multicultured$$$ financial$$$ unyieldingly secular northern city$$$ whose lepers and other detrimentals are charges on the public purse?
Music is a funny thing when you really come to think about it.
So Leola thought that a modest romance with a hero in embryo could do no harm - might even be a patriotic duty.
I learned later that the former operator of Abdullah had been a dwarf who cannot have been fastidious about his person$$$ and there was a strong whiff of hot dwarf as I grew hotter myself.
He gave me this advice one time: Never marry your childhood sweetheart$$$ he said; the reasons that make you choose her will all turn into reasons why you should have rejected her.
Are you New World or Old?'<br>'Sounds like a novel by Henry James.'<br>'Never read him.'<br>'Don't. But that was his question and he plumped for the Old.'
Of course some of us had some geography in school and had studied maps$$$ but a school map is a terribly uncommunicative thing.