So rainbow-sided$$$ touch'd with miseries$$$ she seem'd$$$ at once$$$ some penanced lady elf$$$ some demon's mistress$$$ or the demon's self.
Till Homer's ghost came whispering to my mind.<br>He said: I made the Iliad from such<br>A local row. Gods make their own importance.
One who makes himself a worm cannot complain afterwards if people step on him.
It never worked for me. Something to do with violence A long way back$$$ and wrong rewards$$$ And arrogant eternity.
I would not dare<br>Console you if I could. What can be said$$$<br>Except that suffering is exact$$$ but where<br>Desire takes charge$$$ readings will grow erratic?
Time has transfigured them into<br>Untruth. The stone fidelity<br>They hardly meant has come to be<br>Their final blazon$$$ and to prove<br>Our almost-instinct almost true:<br>What will survive of us is love.
When the bespangled Miss Charisse wraps her phenomenal legs around Fred Astaire$$$ she can be forgiven everything$$$ even the fact that she reads her lines as if she learned them phonetically.
I have never known anyone else$$$ Egwene said to him$$$ "who will work so hard to avoid hard work$$$ Matrim Cauthon."
Kneel and swear to the Lord Dragon$$$ or you will be knelt.
Burn you$$$ Nerim$$$ that's a leg not a bloody side of beef!<br>"As my lord says$$$" Nerim murmured. "My lord's leg is not a side of beef. Thank you$$$ my lord$$$ for instructing me."