I feel as if I were a piece in a game of chess$$$ when my opponent says of it: That piece cannot be moved.
Build a fence around the South and you'd have one big madhouse.
I still believe that everyone is beautiful in some way$$$ and by seeing the beauty in others$$$ we make ourselves more beautiful.
Ulysses was not comely$$$ but he was eloquent$$$ yet he fired two goddesses of the sea with love.
He's the sort of guy that gets a laugh out of people.
Kurti had believed in politics$$$ and politics had deceived him$$$ the way politics deceives everyone.
One painful duty fulfilled makes the next plainer and easier.
Besides$$$ a long poem is a test of invention$$$ which I take to be the Polar star of Poetry$$$ as Fancy is the sails - and Imagination the rudder.
And for her eyes: what could such eyes do there but weep$$$ and weep$$$ that they were born so fair?
The Public - a thing I cannot help looking upon as an enemy$$$ and which I cannot address without feelings of hostility.