She feels in italics and thinks in CAPITALS.
The only performance that makes it$$$ that makes it all the way is the one that achieves madness.
When I'm 33$$$ I quit.
We started out making men in about the state of mind which I suppose created them in the first place -- we had run out of kinds of women$$$ and had to think of something else.
Upstairs Margaret said abruptly$$$ 'I suppose it starts to happen first in the suburbs$$$' and when Brad said$$$ 'What starts to happen?' she said hysterically$$$ 'People starting to come apart.'
Elizabeth$$$ Beth$$$ Betsy$$$ and Bess$$$ they all went together to find a bird's nest...
Oh Constance$$$ we are so happy.
Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box$$$ they still remembered to use stones.
God! Whose hand was I holding?
You will be wondering about that sugar bowl$$$ I imagine$$$ is it still in use? You are wondering$$$ has it been cleaned? You may very well ask$$$ was it thoroughly washed?