So when you're in doubt and feeling a little afraid$$$ just do what Colonel Sanders did to his little chicken. He fried it.
Whatever your reality is about money inside of you is the reality of money outside of you. You cannot change your outside reality until you first change your inside reality about money.
How can I afford it? Opened up the brain and forced it to think and search for answers.
Juliet$$$ the dice were loaded from the start. When you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong$$$ Juliet?
Choosing what we think rather than reaction to our emotions.
Nag coiled himself down$$$ coil by coil$$$ round the bulge at the bottom of the water jar$$$ and Rikki-tikki stayed still as death.
Here the voice told him truthfully what sort of wife he had wedded$$$ and what she was doing in his absence.
Ah! said the troop horse. "That explains it. I can trust Dick." "You could put a whole regiment of Dicks on my back without making me feel any better."
Otherwise$$$ he would be far away in the jungle; tasting$$$ touching$$$ seeing$$$ and feeling new things.
There is no one to touch Jane when you're in a tight place.