..his senses blunted by a permanent awareness of loss
He said$$$ 'Always. Always.
The sight of the money depressed her$$$ because in such small familiar things the foreign country around her was best expressed.
Llewelyn Powys has always in mind the great touchstone Death & consequently life is always judged as how far it fits us$$$ or compensates us$$$ for ultimately dying.
If thou wouldst seek justice$$$ thyself must be just.
A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
If you want the law to leave you alone$$$ keep your hair trimmed and your boots shined.
Have faith in God but keep your powder dry.
He'd call me false and faithless and I've always had a weakness for those two words; next to cruel$$$ they're the nicest words for a woman to hear$$$ and not so hard to earn.
They have neither thought nor being$$$ and merely repeat indifferently and uncomprehendingly everything they hear$$$ retaining within themselves an absolute void.