They killed
It's all romanticism$$$ nonsense$$$ rottenness$$$ art.
He sat by her$$$ watching every gesture she made$$$ as if he would paint her portrait afterward.
She looked$$$ and a scarlet butterfly flew away from her$$$ away down the length of the tower$$$ and then another$$$ another$$$ an unraveling scarf of butterflies like winged blood.
Whosoever holds this hammer$$$ if he be worthy$$$ shall possess the power of Thor.
The Vazdru do not weep. "Who weeps? Not I." "Every word spoken was a tear."
I was born good but had grown progressively worse every year.
Is it true; is it kind$$$ or is it necessary?
I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks.
I have just been reading in the press the agonizing statement that there are only 4$$$000$$$000$$$000$$$000 cords of pulp wood left in the world$$$ and that in another fifty years it will be all gone.