The Police Minister's toilet chided him.
It is your decisions$$$ and not your conditions$$$ that determine your destiny.
So this is where people come to live; I would have thought it is a city to die in.
He does not need anything. He does not want anything.
It was not in me It came and went<br>I wanted to hold it It was held by wine<br>(I no longer know what it was)
When he has become perfectly satisfied$$$ he has no more cravings.
The grief$$$ too$$$ passes.
We only pass everything by like a transposition of air.
It wasn't his$$$ it wasn't my fault$$$<br>we both had nothing except patience$$$<br>but Death has none. I saw him come (how meanly!)<br>and I watched him as he took and took:<br>none of it I could claim as mine.
Swells$$$ Marina? We ocean$$$ depths$$$ Marina? We sky!