Romance at short notice was her specialty.
At last$$$' Padma says with satisfaction$$$ 'you've learned how to tell things really fast.
They feared her [the dream beloved]$$$ knowing that$$$ being impossible$$$ she was irresistable$$$ and that was why the king loved her best.
Paul Theroux was sitting in the pew (at Bruce Chatwin's memorial service) behind him. I suppose we'll be here for you next week$$$ Salman$$$ he said.
Literature is disputed territory.
Shiva and Saleem$$$ victor and victim; understand our rivalry$$$ and you will gain understanding of the age in which you live. (The reverse of this statement is also true.)
OK$$$ publishing a book and releasing a movie is all very well$$$ but Tottenham beating Man. U. 3-2... priceless.
The actor's life offers$$$ on a daily basis$$$ the simulacrum of love; a mask can be satisfied$$$ or at least consoled$$$ by the echo of what it seeks.
And my grandfather... was forever knocked into that middle place$$$ unable to worship a God in whose existence he could not wholly disbelieve. Permanent alteration: a hole.
They came in search of the hot stuff$$$ just like any man calling on a tart.