With self discipline$$$ almost anything is possible.
The teachings of the Bible are so interwoven and entwined with our whole civic and social life that it would be literally impossible for us to figure to ourselves what that life would be if these teaching were removed.
Wide differences of opinion in matters of religious$$$ political$$$ and social belief must exist if conscience and intellect alike are not to be stunted$$$ if there is to be room for healthy growth.
Love shall be our token; love be yours and love be mine.
I can be quite sarcastic when I'm in the mood.
Why do you stay in prison$$$ when the door is so wide open?
The only advantage of not being too good a housekeeper is that your guests are so pleased to feel how very much better they are.
People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.
It's about time that governments feared the people instead of the other way around.
Those who are willing to be vulnerable move among mysteries.