I give no sources$$$ because it is indifferent to me whether what I have thought has already been thought before me by another.
Anything that can be said can be said clearly.
There can never be surprises in logic.
No$$$ Sir$$$ his manners are such that he would not know how to ask a woman to accept his service$$$ although his looks are of Love's color.
The guest perceived his host's sorrow$$$ for he had recounted it so clearly$$$ and he said$$$ "Sir$$$ I am not wise$$$ but if I ever win knightly fame so that I am fit to ask for love$$$ you shall give me Liaze your daughter$$$ the lovely maid. You have told me too much sorrow. If I can relieve it then$$$ I will not let you bear so great a burden of it."
Say it! No ideas but in things.
They are mystified by certain instances.
Marriage<br>So different$$$ this man<br>And this woman:<br>A stream flowing <br>In a field.
The pure products of America go crazy......[] No one to witnessand adjust$$$ no one to drive the car.
You're a romanticist. What do you think a man is$$$ a papaya? To digest your dinner? In pill form?